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It happens to you, and it goes all the way down to the bottom of what you know how to feel, and it rips it open and carves out this chasm down below to make room. The worst thing is one of the first big things that ever happens to you in your life. It happens when your brain isn’t even fully done cooking-when you’ve barely experienced anything, really. “But it happens to you when you’re young.

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The thing you had nightmares about as a child, and you thought, it’s all right because that thing will happen to me when I’m older and wiser, and I’ll have felt so many feelings by then that this one worst feeling, the worst possible feeling, won’t seem so terrible.

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The very worst thing that could have happened. And then, the worst thing happens to you. That’s the maximum depth of feeling you’ve ever experienced. Some are broader or deeper than others, but for everyone, there’s that ground floor, a bottom crust of the pie. “So, imagine we’re all born with a set of feelings.

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